
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Which Federal Agencies Regulate What Payment Systems?

That is a puzzling question to many.

Now the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has developed a colorful graphic to help you visualize the regulatory lines of authority in this area.

Makes everything perfectly clear, yes?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

White House Infographic on Judicial Nominees

The White House as posted an "infographic" on President Obama's Judicial Nominees: Historic Successes + Historic Delays.
Also called Building a Supreme Court for the 21st Century, the graphic features images of Justices Sonio Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, with quotations from the President. It also displays pie charts showing percentages of women, African American, Hispanic, and Asian American judges nominated by the last three Presidents.
Other parts of the graphic deal with:
  • the confirmation process
  • delays in the Senate
  • consequences of judicial vacancies

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Library Hours Changes

UW School of Law summer exams end this week, signaling a change in the Law Library's hours of operation. Beginning Saturday, Aug. 27, the Library will be on the interim schedule:

Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Reference: 9am - 12noon and 1 - 5pm

The Law Library will be closed:
  • Friday, Sept. 2
  • Monday, Sept. 5 (Labor Day)
Regular academic hours resume when School of Law classes begin on Monday, Sept. 26.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

FBI Site on Mortgage Fraud

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has created a website focusing on Mortgage Fraud.

It provides general information on frequent types of scams, news stories, and ways that homeowners can protect themselves.

In Washington State, the Department of Financial Institutions offers a Homeownership Information page with additional, state-specific information on foreclosures and common scams. It includes a link to the Seattle-King County Asset Building Coalition's Washington Foreclosure Prevention Resource Guide.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cross-Cultural Legal Transactions Can Easily Get Lost in Translation

Cross-Cultural Legal Transactions Can Easily Get Lost in Translation, says a speaker at the ABA's Litigation Section meeting. Read some anecdotes and tips in this short article.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Budget Control Act of 2011

After reading all the news stories, if you still want to read the actual 28-page bill as passed by the House and Senate, see S.365, Budget Control Act of 2011.

11:00 am PST update: the Act as been assigned as Pub. L. No. 112-25, 140 Stat. 240.