
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Legal Specialties & Practice Settings Guide

Have you been puzzling over the paths you might take in your career?
Image taken from page 87 of 'A Pilgrimage 
to the Saga-Steads of Icelandpart of the
British Library's 
photostream on Flickr

You don't have to puzzle all on your own. You can use the books and websites listed in our newly revised guide, Careers: Legal Specialties & Practice Settings. The resources will help you learn about specialties as diverse as criminal law, estate planning, and intellectual property law, and practice settings including solo practice, government work, and biglaw. We even have a section on law librarianship (a fine profession!).

Go ahead: check out some of these books. Our library picked them out just for you (and your classmates).

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Library Closing at 5:50 on Friday, 1/26

The law library is closing ten minutes early on Friday, January 26. The Circulation Desk will close at 5:35 and the library itself will be closed at 5:50.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

SSRN for Research & Getting Your Papers Out

SSRN (the Social Science Research Network) is a great tool for researchers and authors. We explain the system's features and offer some tips in our updated guide. Take a look!