
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Ginzberg Films

Students who attended last week's Social Justice Tuesday saw excerpts from several of Abby Ginzberg's films. After the talk, she donated two DVDs to the library:
  • Those Who Know Don't Tell, about workplace safety (featured in this post) and

  • Justice Is Still a Constant Struggle: The National Lawyers Guild in Action (JC571.J87 2007 at Classified Stacks).
We appreciate Ms. Ginzberg's generosity.

You might also be interested in two of her films that we have in VHS:
  • Pulp Ethics: Criminal Lawyers' Ethical Dilemmas (KFC76.5.A2 P85 1985 at Classified Stacks). This is a multimedia fictional case study produced for California's Continuing Education of the Bar.

  • Inside/Out: A Portrait of Lesbian and Gay Lawyers (KF299.G3 I58 1994 at Classified Stacks). This 35-minute video was commissioned by the National Educational Foundation for Individual Rights, which was a non-profit formed by several GLBT legal organizations. The film was
    designed to help legal employers understand both the conscious and unconscious discrimination lesbians and gay men encounter within the legal profession. This film is intended to raise more questions than it answers. It is not a "how-to" guide for elminating discrimination based on sexual orientation within the legal workplace. Rather, it is recommended for use in group settings as a springboard for directed discussion.
    To make the film, Ginzberg interviewed over seventy-five lesbian and gay attorneys (and, as we saw in the clip Tuesday, at least one transgender attorney).
Don't have a VCR? The group study rooms and classrooms do. We also have a VCR in the Reference Area that you can use with headphones.

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