
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dozens of New Databases on CCH

Where can you find dozens of new databases on topics ranging from antitrust, banking, construction law, corporate governance, energy, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, products liability, securities, and transportation law?

On the new service called the CCH Internet Research Network!

The Law Library now subscribes to the CCH service which provides more than 80 titles on a wide range of topics. UW users can access this database from the Law Library website under the Find Legal Databases heading.

A small number of these databases duplicate some print materials in the Library, but the vast majority are not currently available here. None of these items are found in LexisNexis, Westlaw, or any other commercial or free resource.

CCH (aka Commerce Clearing House) is a well-respected publisher of legal looseleaf services. In their day, looseleafs were state-of-the-art tools for keeping attorneys updated in major practice areas. They consist of 5-ring binders into which new pages are regularly filed--most on a weekly basis (loose pages = looseleaf).

Combining laws, legislative history, regulations, cases, and expert analysis, looseleaf services provide one-stop shopping for busy attorneys.

In future posts, I'll describe specific databases by topic. But I'll tease you with a few titles:
  • Aviation Law Reporter

  • Consumer Product Safety Guide

  • Copyright Law Reporter

  • Federal Securities Law Reporter

  • Guide to Computer Law

  • Mutual Funds Guide

  • US Regulation of the International Securities and Derivatives Markets, 8th ed.

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