
Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's in It for You?

We started up this blog a couple of months ago as a way to share tips, news, and resources with you. We hope that the content will make reading it worthwhile. But while we're building our readership, we thought we'd sweeten the pot by offering some small rewards (including chocolate) to UW Law School people who visit the blog.

From time to time, you'll spot a note in a blog post saying that we'll give a prize to the first person to email the Reference Office with a special pass phrase. Only UW Law School students, staff, and faculty are eligible for these modest prizes. (Contributors to the blog are not eligible.)

Here's the first: to win a prize, email the Reference Office with the phrase "check the pocket part." We'll let you know if you've won the prize and can pick it up from the Reference Office. (And we'll post a note here when the prize has been claimed.)

Update (5:15 p.m.):

Congratulations to Cindy Fester, who wins the prize.

Keep your eyes open: we'll offer more prizes soon!

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