
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The White House Is Blogging

President Obama's team moved quickly to load new content onto the White House's website, including three blog posts datestamped 12:01 p.m.

Prof. Mary Hotchkiss told me that she was discussing government publications in Legal Research II today and showed the class the new White House site minutes after it was up. She tried to show the old site, but couldn't get through on the Internet Archive (a very useful site for viewing snapshots of websites as they were in the past). In an update to her students (which she shared with me) she wrote:
I've just seen that the Inaugural Address is posted on the *new* Obama White House website. Researchers should be delighted with the speed that information is being posted. Although the Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) was not responding well today, the archived links show that the January 20, 2001, transition was much bumpier. The robust Clinton White House page was replaced with a skeletal Bush White House page, which had little content until mid-February 2001...
Remember our promise last week of occasional prizes for readers of this blog? The first UW Law student, staff member, or professor who emails the Reference Office with the phrase "government information" will win a small treat. Update (Jan. 21): We have a winner. Keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. We have a winner of today's sweet treat. Thanks, and try again next time. Cheryl
