
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Public Interest Lawyer's Memoir

Making Waves and Riding the Currents: Activism and the Practice of Wisdom,
by Charles Halpern, CT275.H2584 A3 2008 at Classified Stacks.
Amid a national dialogue of change, a leading legal scholar and prominent social activist argues that inner growth through the cultivation of wisdom can bring about a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world. . . . Charles R. Halpern, co-founder of the public policy and advocacy center Demos, describes the evolution of a left-brain, aggressive attorney into an effective social entrepreneur-activist who brings a wisdom perspective to all his relationships.

With wit and self-deprecating humor, Halpern shares candid and revealing lessons from every stage of his life, from boyhood to his post-retirement activism, describing the landmarks and guideposts he discovered on his journey and the teachers and colleagues he encountered on the way-a cast of characters that extends from Barney Frank and Ralph Nader to Ram Dass and the Dalai Lama. "Making Waves and Riding the Currents" vividly demonstrates the life-enhancing benefits of integrating a commitment to social justice with the cultivation of wisdom. But this captivating memoir is about more than that. It's about the inner work that makes the outer work possible.
The first person* to email the Reference Office with the phrase "making waves" wins one of our prizes.


*UW law student, UW law staff, UW law faculty only

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