
Friday, May 22, 2009

Lexis and Westlaw Access for Students in the Summer

In this week’s UW Law's Crier, you will find an article titled “Summer Access to LexisNexis and Westlaw”. In the article we wanted to remind law students that the password(s) you were issued at the UW School of Law are for academic use only. However, students engaged in certain activities can continue to access LexisNexis & Westlaw this summer. (Be sure to sign up by June 30 to ensure uninterrupted access.)

*** UW Law students are eligible for summer access to LexisNexis & Westlaw if you will be:
· enrolled in a law school summer class
· conducting research that is related to moot court or law review
· working as a UW Law professor’s research assistant
· EARNING SCHOOL CREDIT by working in an unpaid non-profit/public interest internship/externship or pro bono work
· studying for any July bar exam

We are sending this note to clarify that students doing pro bono work (volunteer /not paid) this summer can only use your Lexis or Westlaw passwords if you are receiving Law School credit specifically for that pro bono work. For information on other databases available for your use during summer employment see, or or contact the Reference Office (

If you are graduating from UW Law in Spring 2009, LexisNexis is offering a special program for you called ASPIRE “Associates Serving Public Interest Research”, which provides complimentary LexisNexis access to all law 2009 law school graduates pursuing verifiable public service (non-profitable or charitable) work for one year. For information on how to sign-up for this, see this UW Law Career Planning blog entry,

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