
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

MetaJuris -- New Tool for Searching Free Law Sites

MetaJuris is a new service for searching for cases, statutes, and other legal materials. It was developed by a collaboration at the University of Kansas between the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center and the School of Law. KU News - New online search tool developed for legal researchers, press release, April 28, 2009.
Users enter search words from which MetaJuris creates and submits queries to targeted legal databases, she explained. Version 2.0 searches six databases: PreCYdent, which contains U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals cases; PLoL (Public Library of Law), which includes those cases plus cases from all 50 states since 1997 and other law, codes and regulations; kscourts, which searches state cases; Legalbitstream, for its capacity to search both tax cases and Internal Revenue Service rulings; and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings Web site. MetaJuris then parses and integrates the hits, sorting them in reverse chronological order. For each result, the case name, its date, a synopsis and a link to the relevant citation are given.
results from search for "dying declaration"

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