
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Campus Rides and Walking Partners

The days are growing shorter, so we've had more questions about campus services to help you get around safely.
  • If you want someone to walk with you, call 685-WALK (685-9255).
  • NightRide "is a shuttle service that provides a safe and easy way for students, faculty and staff to get home at night. Starting September 30, 2009, shuttles will run every 20 minutes picking up passengers from 6 locations around campus before dropping passengers off at requested destinations within one of two zones."
  • Dial-a-Ride "is a free shuttle service available to University of Washington students, faculty, staff, and University-sponsored conference attendees with permanent or temporary disabilities that limit mobility. Transportation is only available between designated locations at University facilities located on campus and in the University District."

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