
Friday, November 6, 2009

King County Community Health Indicators

The Seattle & King County Public Health recently released a new web page with statistics on King County Community Health Indicators. Click on any of the indicators (e.g., prenatal care, suicide, smoking) and you get another page with detailed statistics by age, race or ethnicity, sex, and income level.

Consider smoking. Would you have guessed that the poorest people are three times as likely to smoke as those with incomes over $75,000? But the highest percentage of excessive drinking is in the highest income bracket. Being overweight, on the other hand, is less sensitive to income -- but it's much more common among women than among men.

There's often a link to comparison data. For example, you can compare King County's rate of adults who are physically inactive (14.9%) with Hennepin County (Minneapolis) (14.1%) and Clark County (Las Vegas) (26.6%).

Speaking of public health: Another online service is a database of restaurant health inspection records. Use it to look up your favorite (or not so favorite) hangouts. (I'm proud of my local Taco del Mar for its perfect scores -- when I get dinner there, it's not only tasty and convenient, but safe!)

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