
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Student Writing Competitions - Race, Reproduction, More

Student writing competitions can do lots of things for you:
  • help you win prizes
  • help you gain recognition for your writing
  • give you a nice line on your resume
  • motivate you to finish or polish up a paper
Two writing competitions I've come across recently:
  • Third National People of Color Scholarship Conference (Newark, Sept. 9-12, 2010). Papers "may, but need not, be related to our broad conference theme, Our Country, Our World in a “Post-Racial” Era." Deadline is June 15, 2010.
  • National Advocates for Pregnant Women. "This contest asks for a critical analysis of the absence of birthing rights issues from gender discrimination and feminist jurisprudence textbooks and curricula." Deadline is Dec. 15, 2010.
Lewis & Clark Law School has a long list of student writing competitions. Business law, health law, intellectual property law -- there's a competition on almost any topic you're interested in!

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