
Friday, August 6, 2010

Fictional Lawyers

Just think of the number of lawyers who are characters in films, literature, and on television! Which ones would you choose as the "top 25?" The ABA Journal' s panel of experts has picked its top 25 and urges you to vote for your favorite in their article "The 25 Greatest Fictional Lawyers (Who Are Not Atticus Finch)." There is even a picture gallery of the nominees in case you do not recognize the characher's name. You may also want to check out the Journal's "The 25 Greatest Legal TV Shows" and "The 25 Greatest Legal Movies."

By the way, speaking of Atticus Finch, this is the 50-year anniversary of the publication of To Kill a Mockingbird. The library has a copy in our Good Reads collection at PS 3562 .E353 T6 1995.

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