
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Law Libraries Are Good for Attorneys

Edward Elkins, a lawyer who offers advice about law school, writes Your Law School's Law Library Is Your Best Friend...Really, Nov. 8, 2010. He begins:
Your law school's law library may be a place where you have spent numeours hours studying for a class, but did you know that it can save you thousands of dollars even after you graduate? Here are some great reasons to get acquanted with your law library while in law school in preparation for your many visits after graduation.
He goes on to explain that a law library's collection of practice manuals, CLEs, and treatises can help a new lawyer figure out how to practice, save money on online services, and prepare for interviews.

All of this is no surprise to us law librarians, but it is something that law students and lawyers can sometimes overlook. Several years ago, Carolyn Elefant, the author of the solo-practice blog, asked me to write about why solo practitioners should use law libraries. I came up with Eight Reasons Solo Lawyers Should Use Law Libraries, April 25, 2006.

By the way, Carolyn's blog is a great source of commentary and tips if you're interested in solo or small firm practice. She also wrote a book on the subject: Solo by Choice: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be, KF300.Z9 E44 2007 at Classified Stacks. She's also the coauthor (with Nicole Black) of Social Media for Lawyers: The Next Frontier, published by the ABA Law Practice Management Section this year, KF320.A9 E44 2010 at Classified Stacks.

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