
Thursday, January 27, 2011

In the News: The Financial Crisis Report

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission delivered the results of its investigation into the causes of the financial and economic crisis. From the media release:

The Commission’s report, which was delivered to the President and Congress this morning, contains the data and evidence collected in the Commission’s inquiry, the conclusions of the Commission based on that inquiry, and accompanying dissents. The Commission’s conclusions were drawn from the review of millions of pages of documents, interviews with more than 700 witnesses, and 19 days of public hearings in New York, Washington, D.C., and communities across the country that were hit hard by the crisis. The reports and accompanying dissents are available to the public on the Commission’s website at

The Law Library will acquire a copy of the official Government Printing Office edition for the collection. Unlike most government publications, an authorized version will also be sold through commercial retailers.

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