
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Health Care Reform Law Turns One

birthday cake collage
March 23 is the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119. This 906-page act is also known as PPACA, the Affordable Care Act, or just ACA.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services maintains, a website about the law and its implementation. You can follow the site on Facebook, Twitter -- or even its YouTube channel.

That site is fine for the basics, but how can you find reliable reporting on new legal developments?

One great source is BNA's Health Law Reporter. Follow the BNA link from the library's homepage; if you are off campus, you'll need to click on the off-campus access link in the upper-right corner and enter you UW NetID before going into this subscription database. Once you're into the newsletter, you can read the latest issue or browse by date. Or you can click on Recent Topics at the top of the screen and choose a topic. I chose Health System Reform and found lots of articles about the latest developments.

screen shot from BNA Health Law Reporter
You can also do a word search. For example, searching for "mckenna" will pull up articles that mention Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna's opposition to the law.

If you click on "BNA Insights," you'll see a list of analyses of current topics by lawyers—e.g., Webb Millsaps & Adam J. Rogers, Top 10 Things to Know About Accountable Care Organizations, Feb. 24, 2011, or Mark S. Hedberg, Health Care Reform After Florida v. United States: Now What?, Feb. 10, 2011.

Health law is just one of the many areas covered by BNA newsletters. You can also use BNA newsletters to follow new developments in fields from antitrust to the WTO.

—Mary Whisner

1 comment:

  1. Say what you want about health-care reform, but as with many other pieces of legislation that have been passed during the country’s recent economic hard times, we are getting some much-needed transparency on a number of personal finance issues.
