
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Indian Law Journal Might Start at Seattle U

Students at Seattle University School of Law are proposing a journal on Indian law and seek paper submissions for their first issue. The proposed journal would be national in scope, but the editors have a particular issue in the Pacific Northwest.

Have your written a paper on Indian law? Would you like to? This could be a good opportunity!

Here is their announcement (posted at the editors' request):
The Seattle Journal of American Indian Law is a proposed academic collaboration at Seattle University among students, faculty, and practitioners. In an effort to fill a critical gap in the amount of current information available to those interested in the rapidly-developing field of Indian law, the Journal will employ an innovative online format. Containing a hybrid of shorter, timelier articles, to be published in parallel with legal developments in the field, as well as traditional, lengthier journal articles analyzing larger topics, the Journal will appeal to a broad range of readers.

At this stage in development of the Journal, the Editorial Board is seeking content to be submitted for a trial issue that will be circulated exclusively within the School of Law. Alongside a formal proposal, the trial issue will show the faculty and administration the caliber of substance and the high level of scholarship that the Journal will command, and will make our case that the Journal ought to be an officially accredited publication at the School of Law. We aim to publish the trial issue in early Fall 2011.

As this is only a trial issue and will not be formally published, the Editorial Board will not seek the rights to any submitted content. That said, articles will still be subject to rigorous technical and substantive editing, and we will be in contact with the authors each step of the way. As the journal is looking primarily for shorter, timelier pieces at this time, we would love to hear any ideas you may have for a shorter article. If you are at all interested in providing content to the trial issue, the deadline for submitting confirmation of interest and an abstract of the manuscript is March 15th. The draft of the manuscript is due May 15th. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Rebeka Osborne
Editorial Board, Seattle Journal of American Indian Law
seattlejournalail [at]

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