
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Typography for Lawyers

Michael Butterick wants lawyers' documents to look better than they do.

Butterick began his career as a font designer and engineer and became a web designer in the 1990s. Later he went to law school and now practices law — with a good eye for a well-designed page.

In 2008 he began a website, Typography for Lawyers, that offers advice — with lots of clear examples — about how to make documents clear, readable, even beautiful. Job applicants: check out the advice on resumes and business cards!

Now he's turned the website into a book, Typography for Lawyers: Essential Tools for Polished and Persuasive Documents (Z246 .B98 2010 at Classified Stacks). It is, as you might expect, well laid out, attractive, and easy to use. Take a look.

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