
Friday, April 22, 2011

CRS Reports on BNA

The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA), a commercial database to which the Gallagher Law Library subscribes, is now another source for finding Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports.

Some recent CRS reports available on BNA are the following:

  • Tax Reform: An Overview of Proposals in the 112th Congress (April 20, 2011)
  • Overview of Health Care Changes in the FY2012 Budget Proposal Offered by House Budget Committee Chairman Ryan (April 13, 2011)
  • Appropriations and Fund Transfers in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (March 31, 2011)
  • The Proposed U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreement (March 29, 2011)
  • Should the United States Levy a Value-Added Tax for Deficit Reduction? (March 22, 2011)
  • Advertising by the Federal Government: An Overview (March 10, 2011)
  • Religious Exemptions for Mandatory Health Care Programs: A Legal Analysis (Feb. 23, 2011)
  • Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade (Feb. 17, 2011)

To locate CRS reports, click on the Search My BNA logo located on the navigation bar of a BNA publication site. Then enter "CRS report" in the search box. You may limit your search to a specific topic area at this point. Some of the results will be summaries of the reports, but others will provide the entire contents of the reports themselves. Still others will provide a link to the PDF of the CRS report. (These links are usually located at the very bottom of an article page.)

Remember to sign in to the proxy server if you're accessing BNA from off-campus.

See the Library's CRS research guide to locating CRS Reports via other sources.

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