
Monday, April 18, 2011

Resource for Transactional Practitioners: Practical Law Company

Practical Law Company (PLC) is an online database providing resources for transactional lawyers. PLC is now available--free--to law school faculty, staff and students. Graduates may even continue their access up to six months after graduation.
What's available?
    • Model documents with legal, drafting and negotiating tips
    • Step-by-step checklists, time lines and flowcharts
    • Handy overviews of transactional practice areas
    • Updates on the latest legal and market developments
    • Resources on doing cross-border deals and conducting business internationally
    • Access to Practical Law The Journal
Content for Law Schools is divided into two categories: Corporate & Securities and Finance.

Also available is a Summer Associate Survival Guide offering over 50 step-by-step corporate, securities and finance resources designed to help you complete assignments you may be given. You'll need to sign up for your free account to access this material.

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