
Monday, April 11, 2011

Tweet a Haiku About Libraries

As part of National Library Week (April 10-16), the American Library Association is holding a "twaiku" contest. What's twaiku? It's haiku on Twitter.
Share your love of libraries with the world by composing a library themed twaiku for National Library Week! You might win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.

What’s a twaiku, you ask? Simply put, a twaiku is haiku sent via Twitter. Twaiku use the same basic structure of 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables respectively. Unlike a true haiku, a twaiku can only be 140 characters, or 130 with our #nlwtwaiku tag.

The National Library Week twaiku contest kicks off at the beginning of School Library Month (April), and continues through Wednesday of National Library Week (April 13). All submissions must be tagged #nlwtwaiku.

The staff of will post a selection of the best twaiku here on, where everyone will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite through the end of National Library Week (Saturday, April 16).

The most highly rated twaiku will receive an Amazon gift certificate!
National Library Week meets National Poetry Month meets Web 2.0!

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