
Monday, October 3, 2011

Global Mondays

To raise awareness and dialogue regarding foreign, comparative, and international law, the UW School of Law presents Global Mondays this year, which will take place every Monday from 12:30pm to 1:20pm in Room 117 of William Gates Hall. The weekly event will continue throughout the school year as a forum that examines the “intersection of law, policy and the role of legal professionals in our increasingly complex and interconnected world.” Global Mondays is an invaluable learning experience for those of us seeking to explore an array of subjects ranging from climate change in Indonesia to women lawyers in Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.

This week, the Asian Law Center hosted the Law Through Global Eyes Lecture. Dr. Myoung Ung Lee, a UW LL.M. candidate in Asian Law and former UW Visiting Scholar, gave a fascinating lecture titled Comparing Judicial Review: U.S. v. South Korea (A European Model).

Dr. Lee demystified the concept of judicial review in different civil and common law systems around the world by detailing its history in the U.S., Europe, and East Asia. He then praised the merits and cautioned against the faults of the various countries’ standards of review, procedure, effects of decisions, and judicial independence in relation to judicial review.

For further reading on the subject, consult Miguel Schor, Mapping Comparative Judicial Review, 7 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 257 (2008), available at, and Adam M. Dodek, A Tale of Two Maps: The Limits of Universalism in Comparative Judicial Review, 47 Osgoode Hall L.J. 287 (2009), available at

Next week’s presentation, hosted by the Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, will feature the research of two globally engaged UW J.D. candidates:
  • Andrew Van Winkle will present Separation of Religion and State in Japan: A Pragmatic Interpretation of Articles 20 and 89 of the Japanese Constitution
  • Greg Chiarella will present Sources of law, Sources of Authority: The Failure of the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines.
Over the course of the year, students from around the globe will come together to share their unique insights of law in the world.

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