
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Faculty Publication: Bill Rodgers on Climate Change

Professor Rodgers, the School of Law’s Stimson Bullitt Professor of Environmental Law, has recently published Climate Change: A Reader (William H. Rodgers Jr., Michael Robinson-Dorn, Jennifer K. Barcelos & Anna T. Moritz eds., Carolina Academic Press 2011).

The back cover provides a description:

Climate Change provides a comprehensive and unique introduction to the emerging issues of global climate change. It presents many of the foundational documents, background scientific explanations, and excerpts from the leading thinkers in the vast literature on global warming. It features original articles and essays from scholars in the fields of environmental science, and environmental, energy, international and human rights law. Designed for use in the burgeoning number of new courses in areas such as global warming, climate change and climate justice, this book is organized around the topics of science, justice, impacts, energy, the U.S. response, international law, state and local law, and innovative litigation. The Reader weaves together the important story of the global warming saga in a thorough and approachable manner.
The book is organized into the following chapters:
  • Setting the Scientific Stage
  • The Justice of Transformative Change and the Spread of Global Fever
  • The Health of the Planet: The Atmosphere, the Earth, the Sea, the Residents
  • Reconstructed Energy Futures
  • Framing the Climate Change Debate
  • United States’ Response to Climate Change
  • The International Law and Policy of Climate Change
  • Local, State, Regional, Tribal and Private Climate Change Initiatives
  • Legal Initiatives Designed to Turn the Tide on Climate Change (on CD-ROM)
Throughout the book are extensive references, figures, and tables. A detailed index is included.

Climate Change: A Reader is located in the Classified Stacks at KF3783 .C578 2011.

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