
Monday, February 13, 2012

Marriage Equality

The recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Proposition 8 released on Tuesday has caused quite a stir. Both sides have hotly debated the issue with emotion and vigor--however an actual constitutional law discussion has been noticeably absent.

Erwin Chemerinksy, the dean of UC Irvine School of Law and Constitutional Law guru, shared his thoughts on the constitutional law issue of Proposition 8 and forecasted the Supreme Court’s decision in an op-ed piece for the Los Angeles Times.
Wherever you might fall on the issue, Gallagher Law Library offers many constitutional law resources if you wanted to construct your own opinion on the matter. If you’d like to read some more opinions on the issue, be sure to check out an article in the Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy available via HeinOnline.
Cartoon Credit: The Sacramento Bee

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