
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hear a Peep, There a Peep, Everywhere a Peep Peep

As noted in a previous post, the ABA Journal sponsors an annual Peeps in the Law contest, which inspired our own National Library Week Peepshow.

Well, voting is now open for the ABA's contest as well.

In the "great minds think alike" category, an entry in the ABA's contest is a multipart tribute to the US Constitution and the Gallagher Law Library's contest has a multipart entry on Washington's Peepulist Constitution.

What other sites can you visit to indulge your peep freak? Take a spin through:
Or visit the home of all things Peep for a list of other contests and lots more fun, like a recipeep for Lemon Curd Cake; a gallery of Peeps photos and dioramas; and an introduction to the new, chocolate-dipped, mousee-flavored Peeps (in milk and dark chocolate flavors! Yum!).

And while you have peeps on the brain, check out the entries in our National Library Week Peepshow Contest and vote for your favorites!

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