
Monday, July 2, 2012

New Faculty Book: Andrews & Aronson on the Law of Lawyering in Washington

UW Law Professors Tom Andrews and Rob Aronson are the lead authors in the just-published Law of Lawyering in Washington.

This new Washington State Bar Association deskbook is a mammoth accomplishment, logging in at 800 pages.

It compares Washington's Rules of Professional Conduct with the American Bar Association's Model Rules. The volume is full of references to the rules, court opinions, and secondary sources.

Chapters cover:

  1. Authority to Regulate the Practice of Law
  2. Admission to Practice and Unauthorized Practice
  3. An Introduction to the Rules of Professional Conduct: Their Purpose and Limits
  4. Defining the Attorney-Client Relationship
  5. Competence, Diligence, and Communication: The Essential Three
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Conflicts of Interest
  8. The Rules of Advocacy
  9. Fees and Trust Accounts
  10. Candor
  11. Law-Firm Marketing
  12. Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
  13. Lawyer’s Responsibilities for Assisting in Access to Justice
  14. Law-Practice Organization, Management, and Sales
  15. Legal Malpractice and Other Theories of Lawyer Liability
  16. Disciplinary System
The back of the volume includes and index and table of cases.

Congratulations to Tom and Rob for creating such a substantial and useful resource!

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