
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Happens at a Meeting of Law Librarians?

Hundreds of law librarians from around the country (and dozens from around the world) will converge on the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston for the 105th annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries.

As at other professional conventions, librarians will:
  • attend educational programs (Are e-books the Future?, Building Mobile Apps, Digging Legal History in Boston: The Case of the Boston Strangler, Guerrilla Usability Testing, Lost in Translation: Immigration Detention and Access to Legal Materials, The New Generation of Legal Research Databases, Searching Legal Opinions: The Google Scholar Approach, etc.)
  • share social events (a Boston  Red Sox game,the UW Law Librarianship Alumni and Friends Reunion)
  • participate in committee meetings
  • network with each other
  • talk with vendors in the exhibit hall.
Several Gallagher law librarians will be delivering presentations during the meeting. Penny Hazelton, Associate Dean for Library and Technology Services, will be a presenter at an all-day Workshop for Newer Academic Law Library Directors. Jonathan Franklin and Richard Jost will speak at a program on the Innovative Interfaces/SkyRiver vs. OCLC Lawsuit.

This meeting is a wonderful opportunity to learn what services other law libraries offer their users, hear about new gadgets and resources, and generally check in with our professional colleagues from all types of law libraries: academic, corporate, court, government, and law firm. We come back exhausted but invigorated and eager to incorporate what we've heard and seen to improve and enhance what we can do for the people who use the Gallagher Law Library.

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