
Friday, September 28, 2012

Intro to Supreme Court

book jacket
Noted Supreme Court journalist Linda Greenhouse has a new book, The U.S. Supreme Court: A Very Short Introduction (KF8742 .G744 2012 at Classified Stacks). Law professor Lee Epstein says in this review (JOTWELL, Sept. 28, 2012) that it is "sophisticated, yet accessible." Epstein concludes her enthusiastic review:
If your students—undergraduate, graduate, or law—are looking for a brief introduction to the Supreme Court, as mine often are, this is the book to recommend. In addition to the riveting textual material, it contains a well-edited (and annotated) appendix of further readings. As for you Supreme Court junkies: don’t make the mistake of discounting it. I’ve been studying the Court for nearly thirty years and still learned new things, whether small factoids or different ways to think about an institution that, as Greenhouse rightfully notes, continues to “occup[y] a place in the public imagination.” (p. 87).
Catalog record. Publisher's page.

Other books by Linda Greenhouse:
  • Becoming Justice Blackmun: Harry Blackmun's Supreme Court journey (KF8745.B555 G74 2005 at Good Reads). Catalog record. Publisher's page.
  • Before Roe v. Wade: : voices that shaped the abortion debate before the Supreme Court's ruling (Linda Greenhouse & Reva B. Siegel eds., 2010). Catalog record.
 Check out the video or transcript of Prof. Stewart Jay's conversation with Linda Greenhouse when she was the Gates Public Service Law Speaker May 3, 2010.

screen shot from law school's Multimedia Gallery

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