
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Affordable Care Act Regulations

The Affordable Care Act is a long, complex statute (898 pages, as amended!), but there's more law to come, as federal and state agencies develop regulations and guidance documents.

Timothy Jost, a law professor at Washington & Lee, wrote a summary of (and linked to) proposed rules and other materials released yesterday: Timothy Jost, Implementing Health Reform: The Dam Bursts, Health Affairs Blog, Nov. 21, 2012.

These proposed regs are so new that they aren't even in the Federal Register yet. Jost links to PDFs on the website of the Office of the Federal Register, but it might be a few days before they are published with Fed. Reg. citations.

The Health Affairs Blog is a good source to watch for current developments in health reform. The blog is an online service of Health Affairs, a journal available in print and online.

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