
Friday, December 7, 2012

Alexander Wang's Recovery from Labor Lawsuit "Shaft" to Creative Director "Stud"

Earlier this year, former employees of Alexander Wang filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that the designer and 2008 CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund recipient maintained sweatshop-like conditions in his New York factory. Since the settlement and dismissal of the lawsuit in August, it seemed that the designer was laying low. His Spring 2013 line produced mixed reviews (as fashion lines typically do), further perpetuating the idea that perhaps the designer had been rattled by the lawsuit's negative publicity.

It is not uncommon for individuals and businesses to suffer when recovering from a public lawsuit - regardless of the lawsuit's outcome. The recovery for Alexander Wang now seems to be...more studs! Wang has been named Balenciaga's new Creative Director indicating a turning point for him since the lawsuit. While some have expressed surprise at the direction Wang and Balenciaga have taken, it seems fitting since both have an obvious attraction to hardware!

If you want to learn how you can help potential clients avoid labor lawsuits, the library offers labor law resources for interested attorneys and attorneys-in-training. See our Research in Labor & Employment Law: Secondary Sources guide, and Research in Labor & Employment Law: Databases guide.

Photo Credit 1: Alexander Wang
Photo Credit 2: Balenciaga

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