
Saturday, December 1, 2012

World AIDS Day

Dec. 1 is World AIDS Day. Here's the UN page, and here's a U.S. government page. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon ends his statement on an optimistic note:
Zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths by 2015 are achievable. On this World AIDS Day, let us commit to build on and amplify the encouraging successes of recent years to consign HIV/AIDS to the pages of history.
AIDS is not just a health issue—society's response to AIDS also has many legal implications. For the global view, see Global Commission on HIV and the Law, HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights & Health (July 2012). HIV/AIDS Laws of the World (Harvard School of Public Health) provides links (as of Feb. 2010) to the laws of dozens of countries.

For discussion of some of the U.S. legal issues, see:

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