
Friday, March 1, 2013

Gallagher's Fun Friday Tip: SNL, Hot Chocolate & the Alabama Shakes

I'm afraid the quarter is closing in and finals are fast approaching. You might expect all of us here at the law library to be shushing your whispers and pushing dusty treatises in your faces but really, with the endless reading, outlining, memorizing, and exams you are juggling, do you really need us adding to your anxiety? No way! In fact, we feel your pain! Mental health is an issue that should be taken seriously. As a non-medical professional, I think laughter, exercise, chocolate, and music are four fundamental pillars of maintaining good mental health. Here's how you can hit all four pillars this weekend:

This Saturday (March 2), watch comedian Kevin Hart host and Seattle rapper, Ben Haggerty aka Macklemore perform on Saturday Night Live!  Watch to see if Macklemore performs Same Love, a song he wrote in support of gay rights and Referendum 74. If you're not a fan of Hart or Macklemore, watch SNL anyway to get some laughs! Maybe Stefon will make an appearance! New York's hottest club is...

This Sunday (March 3) get your blood pumping by running for chocolate at the Seattle Hot Chocolate 15k/5k.  At the post race party, runners receive finisher’s mugs filled with Hot Chocolate, Chocolate Fondue and other tasty treats!  The goodie bag is rumored to be epic and registration is still open!

Finally, the Alabama Shakes are performing at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle this Sunday (March 3)! The band (from Athens, Alabama) has been compared to epic musicians, including Janis Joplin, Otis Redding and Aretha Franklin. Incidentally, the Alabama Shakes recently performed on SNL as well!

If laughing, running, eating chocolate and hippie dancing are not particularly your cup of tea, (seek medical assistance immediately) take a break and try to do something that you enjoy this weekend. After all, stress is a killer.

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Photo Credit 2:

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