
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The EU's Bold Stand Against Animal Testing

Do the birds seem to be chirping a little louder today? Maybe it is because the European Union banned the sale of cosmetics with animal tested ingredients yesterday!  Cue adorable animals singing and dancing:
Though the EU previously banned animal testing in various forms of finished cosmetic products, yesterday's announcement is particularly significant because the ban applies "regardless of where in the world testing on animals was carried out", effective immediately!  As expected, the cosmetics industry is not pleased, however animal rights groups, animal lovers and animals themselves are likely jumping for joy and hoping the ban will serve as an example to the rest of the world. 

For more information see Kathy Guillermo's (PETA Vice President of Laboratory Investigations) blog post, How the EU's Ban on Animal Tested Cosmetics Protects People and Advances Science.

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