
Monday, April 22, 2013

A brassiere heist and an injurious thong!

A brassiere heist?  An injurious thong?  Who knew that Victoria's Secret could fuel such controversy?!

Victoria's Secret Love Spell
A manager of a Victoria’s Secret store in Puyallup was injured this weekend when she was attacked by three women stealing brassieres!   After the women grabbed approximately 150 bras and ran away, the store manager attempted to stop the thieves and was punched in the face and sprayed with "an unknown substance". (The substance was probably not one of the famous lingerie chain's fragrance mists.)

The thieves have not yet been apprehended but are now being referred to as "bra bandits."  Some speculate that the bra bandits will sell their stolen booty on eBay; but no speculation is needed when determining that the bandits are undeterred by the possibility that Victoria's Secret lingerie causes injury.

Several years ago, a Los Angeles traffic cop sued Victoria's Secret after a metal fixture on a rhinestone allegedly popped off her Victoria's Secret thong and scratched her cornea. The injured's attorney was applauded by making the "
thong malfunction," "sound as exciting as a scholarly discussion of pea gravel." Feel free to watch an interview of the attorney and the injured below or check out the filed complaint here.

Though the 2008 lawsuit was dismissed in 2009, it appears that Victoria's Secret lingerie may still pose a risk of unfortunate store managers who attempt to stop bra bandits.

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