
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Book Podcasts: Not Just for National Library Week

It is true that many people who work in libraries love to read books. We read in a variety of genres and in all sorts of formats. We read e-books, pristine new print books, and ratty old used paperbacks bought with cash from independent bookstores. At work, we blog about books and libraries and even bookmobiles. National Library Week is a perfect excuse for a blog post about one of my favorite things: the book podcast. Reading is personal, and so is podcast listening. These are just of few of my favorites.

Books on the Nightstand is a project of two friends and colleagues who work in the publishing industry. Book reviews and behind the scenes chats about the business.

Book Lust with Nancy Pearl is in-depth author interviews, recorded at the University Bookstore.

Slate has several podcasts of interest to readers. Live atPolitics and Prose features author appearances at the bookstore and the AudioBook Club features critics’ discussion of a particular title.

NPR: Books Podcast pulls together book stories – reviews, interviews, news – from the week’s programs.

BBC’s Open Book features author interviews and A Good Read is discussion of favorite titles.

And of course both The New York Times and The Guardian offer podcasts by their respective book editors.

Happy listening and happy reading!

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