
Monday, April 1, 2013

Gates Goose Sanctuary?

The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) and GreenLaw have petitioned the University of Washington to designate the terrace of William H. Gates Hall to be a Canada Goose sanctuary.

Canada Geese in front of Gates Hall "crystal"

SALDF recently held a pet photo contest to raise money for a dog shelter. "After that effort," said SALDF president Rachel Swanson, "We thought we could do even more to improve the UW Law community's relationship with non-human animals. What better way than having a flock among us?"

When local geese got wind of this proposal, they organized a march in support. Through an interpreter provided by SALDF, a spokesgoose said, "We can be Leaders for the Global Common GoodTM too!"

Geese march across Gates Hall terrace

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