
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Macy's, Martha Stewart and J.C. Penney all walk into a courtroom...

Last month Macy's, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and J.C. Penney were ordered into mediation. The dispute: whether both Macy's and J.C. Penney can peddle Martha Stewart branded items in their stores.

Much to nobody's surprise, the parties were back in court yesterday with no settlement in hand. Macy's brought the lawsuit against both Martha Stewart and J.C. Penney contending that it has "an exclusive license to make and sell Martha Stewart-branded products in certain exclusive product categories".
Martha Stewart testifying in court earlier today

Martha Stewart, Macy's CEO Terry Lundgren, and (as of 9 hours ago) former J.C. Penney CEO Ron Johnson have all taken a spin in the witness box to testify in the case. And while all their he-said, she-said drama makes for some entertaining tweets:
the hold up is not helping J.C. Penney's turnaround plans as its CEO has just been dropped.  Ouch.  Maybe Martha will make him a delicious pie to help ease the pain. 

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