
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mayor McGinn Loves Libraries

As you probably/hopefully know by now, we are busy celebrating National Library Week here at Gallagher (Dubs did not disappoint yesterday, he brought smiles to everyone who visited with him and posed for many, many adorable photos with eager law students). 

Of course, we are not the only library in town that is celebrating this week.  Mayor Mike McGinn has proclaimed that this week is National Library Week in Seattle!  Mayor McGinn provides compelling and excellent reasons why libraries and librarians matter, especially the Seattle Public Library.  And we couldn't agree more!  Our community benefits in so many ways from the great work and dedication of the SPL and other area libraries and we join in honoring them this week.

Stay tuned for more fun as we wrap up our Peepshow and candy jar contests.  And, as always, come see us in the reference office for research help.

Put a Peep on it!
Photo credit: Fernando O. Gonzalez (and Peep placement by Anna Endter)

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