
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Don't be a pooper-trator! Dog doogity, we've got to bag it up!

The sun is shining and the fields are filled with children playing, people flinging frisbees, dogs romping about and... ewwwww, what's this on my shoe?!  It's dog doodie and it's a crime that someone didn't dispose of their dog's doodie properly!  You might have seen our previous post on Seattle's 'poop scoop' law but did you know that someone wrote a song about it:

While it appears that Seattle has hit dog doodie awareness pretty hard, feces removal is addressed in many municipals codes across the country from New York, New York to San Diego, California.  The abundance of codes reveal that even though almost everyone loves dogs, nobody loves their...product.
A New York City flyer reminding dog lovers to avoid being a "pooper-trator"
Be a conscientious citizen while you and Fido are enjoying the lovely weather and hum "Dog Doogity" when you pick up Fido's treasures!

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