
Friday, September 27, 2013

Planning for Your Legal Career

graphic with arrows pointing in all directions
When I started law school, I knew almost nothing about what lawyers do or how I might fit into the legal profession. I picked things up via rumor and by trial and error.

You will also use rumor and trial and error, I'm sure, but you can also build your knowledge more systematically and with more reliable sources. To start, take a look at our recently updated guides:

Learning About Legal Careers & the Job Search

Learning About Legal Specialties and Practice Areas

These join our other career guides:

You might think you have way too much reading to do for class to spend any time reading something optional. But (1) figuring out your career is important and (2) career books are generally a lot easier to skim than, say, colonial cases on property law or the Internal Revenue Code. Even leafing through a few pages now and then can spark your thinking and help you plan.

Graphic: mw

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