
Friday, October 4, 2013

Emerging Legal Roles

The ABA Journal online discusses 15 fairly new legal industry jobs and 6 more you may see soon (Sept. 30, 2013), based on comments from a variety of consultants, lawyers, and law professors.

Some of the comments to the post point out that the "new" jobs are not necessarily new. For instance, the first one listed, "Legal risk manager"—"Provides advice to help clients avoid legal problems rather than just representing them when they run into trouble."—is central to the practice of law, particularly for transactional lawyers. What else is an estate planning lawyer doing when she drafts a will or a trust that will accomplish what the client wants? Or when an employment lawyer advises a client on nondiscriminatory hiring practices and recommends sexual harassment training for the workforce?

Other positions really are new or have a modern spin because of technology or the new business environment. Take a look: the list might spark some ideas!

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