
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Law Stories for Diversity Week

You may have read chapters of a book in the Law Stories series for one of your classes. Each book has chapters by different authors (mostly law professors) looking at the back stories and impact of famous cases. There are Law Stories collections for Torts, Contracts, Civil Procedure, Tax, and many other subjects. For UW Law's Diversity Week (or at any other time!), you might want to explore one or more of these Law Stories books: Indian Law Stories, Immigration Law Stories, Race Law Stories, Women and the Law Stories.

covers from four Law Stories books

  • Indian Law Stories (Carole E. Goldberg et al. eds., 2011), Reference Area(KF8205.A2 I535 2011). Includes a chapter by Prof. Robert Anderson on British Columbia First Nations land claims. For more, see this post. The chapters are:
    • The Judicial Conquest of Native America: The Story of Johnson v. M'Intosh, by Lindsay G. Robertson
    • The Tribal Struggle for Indian Sovereignty: The Story of the Cherokee Cases, by Rennard Strickland
    • Water, Legal Rights, and Actual Consequences: The story of Winters v. United States, by Judith V. Royster
    • Who Is an Indian?: The Story of United States v. Sandoval, by Gerald Torres
    • The Distorted History That Gave Rise to the "So Called" Plenary Power Doctrine : The Story of United States v. Kagama, by Sidney L. Harring
    • The Apex of Congress' Plenary Power over Indian Affairs: The story of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, by Angela R. Riley
    • Erasing Indian country: The Story of Tee-Hit-Ton Indians v. United States, by Joseph William Singer
    • Mark the Plumber v. Tribal Empire, or Non-Indian Anxiety v. Tribal Sovereignty?: The Story of Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, by Sarah Krakoff
    • A Step Backward in the Government's Representation of Tribes: The story of Nevada v. United States, by Ann Carey Juliano
    • Property, Power, and American "Justice": The Story of United States v. Dann, by Rebecca Tsosie
    • Sheep, Sovereignty, and the Supreme Court: The Story of Williams v. Lee, by Bethany R. Berger
    • What's Race Got to Do with It?: The Story of Morton v. Mancari, by Carole Goldberg
    • How a $147 County Tax Notice Helped Bring Tribes More Than $200 Billion in Indian Gaming Revenue: The story of Bryan v. Itasca County, by Kevin K. Washburn
    • Three Stories in One: The Story of Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez, by Gloria Valencia-Weber
    • Challenging the Narrative of Conquest: The Story of Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association, by Amy Bowers and Kristen A. Carpenter
    • Beating a Path of Retreat from Treaty Rights and Tribal Sovereignty: The Story of Montana v. United States, by John P. LaVelle
    • Aboriginal Title in the Canadian Legal System: The Story of Delgamuukw v. British Columbia, by Robert T. Anderson

  • Immigration Stories (David A. Martin & Peter H. Schuck eds., 2005), Reference Area (KF4819.A2 I4268 2005). Chapters are:
    • Chae Chan Ping and Fong Yue Ting: The Origins of Plenary Power, by Gabriel J. Chin
    • Wong Wing v. United States: The Bill of Rights Protects Illegal Aliens, by Gerald L. Neuman
    • Wong Kim Ark: The Contest Over Birthright Citizenship, by Lucy E. Salyer
    • Harisiades v. Shaughnessy: A Case Study in the Vulnerability of Resident Aliens
    • The Long, Complex, and Futile Deportation Saga of Carlos Marcello, by Daniel Kanstroom
    • Afroyim: Vaunting Citizenship, Presaging Transnationality, by Peter J. Spiro
    • Kleindienst v. Mandel: Plenary Power v. the Professor, by Peter H. Schuck
    • Plyler v. Doe, the Education of Undocumented Children, and the Polity, by Michael A. Olivas
    • Maria and Joseph Plasencia's Lost Weekend: The Case of Landon v. Plasencia, by Kevin R. Johnson
    • Adelaide Abankwah, Fauziya Kasinga, and the Dilemmas of Political Asylum, by David A. Martin
    • INS v. St. Cyr: The Campaign to Preserve Court Review and Stop Retroactive Deportation Laws, by Nancy Morawetz
    •  Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB: The Rules of the Workplace for Undocumented Immigrants, by Catherine L. Fisk and Michael J. Wishnie
    • Demore v. Kim: Judicial Deference to Congressional Folly, by Margaret H. Taylor
  • Race Law Stories (Rachel F. Moran & Devon Carbado eds., 2008), Reference Area (KF4755 .R33 2008). Chapters are:
    • The Tribal Struggle for Indian Sovereignty: The Story of the Cherokee Cases, by Rennard Strickland
    • Classical Racialism, Justice Story, and Margaret Morgan's Journey from Freedom to Clavery: The Story of Prigg v. Pennsylvania, by Ronald S. Sullivan Jr.
    • Birthright Citizenship, Immigration, and the U.S. Constitution: The Story of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, by Erika Lee
    • "The Constitution Follows the Flag . . . but Doesn't Quite Catch up with It": The Story of Downes v. Bidwell, by Pedro A. Malavet 
    • Multiracialism and the Social Construction of Race: The Story of Hudgins v. Wrights, by Angela Onwuachi-Willig
    • Yellow by Law: The Story of Ozawa v. United States, by Devon W. Carbado
    • What's Race Got to Do with It?: The Story of Morton v. Mancari, by Carole Goldberg
    • Jim Crow, Mexican Americans, and the Anti-Subordination Constitution: The Story of Hernandez v. Texas, by Ian Haney López & Michael A. Olivas
    • Dodging Responsibility: The Story of Hirabayashi v. United States, by Jerry Kang
    • Forgotten Lessons on Race, Law, and Marriage: The Story of Perez v. Sharp, by R.A. Lenhardt
    • Judicial Opinions as Racial Narratives: The Story of Richmond v. Croson, by Reginald Oh & Thomas Ross
    • The Song Remains the Same: The Story of Whren v. United States, by Kevin R. Johnson
    • The Heirs of Brown: The Story of Grutter v. Bollinger, by Rachel F. Moran
    • Representation and Raceblindness: The Story of Shaw v. Reno, by Daniel P. Tokaji
    • Disfiguring Civil Rights to Deny Indigenous Hawaiian Self-Determination: The Story of Rice v. Cayetano, by Eric K. Yamamoto & Catherine Corpus Betts
    • Intersectional Bias and the Courts: The Story of Rogers v. American Airlines, by Paulette M. Caldwell
  • Women and the Law Stories (Elizabeth M. Schneider & Stephanie M. Wildman eds., 2011), Reference Area (KF478.5.A5 W645 2011). Chapters are:
    • Hidden Histories, Racialized Gender, and the Legacy of Reconstruction: The Story of United States v. Cruikshank, by Rebecca Hall and Angela P. Harris
    • "When the Trouble Started": The Story of Frontiero v. Richardson, by Serena Mayeri
    • Single-Sex Public Schools: The Story of Vorchheimer v. School District of Philadelphia, by Martha Minow
    • Unconstitutionally Male?: The Story of United States v. Virginia, by Katharine T. Bartlett
    • Infertile by Force and Federal Complicity: The Story of Relf v. Weinberger, by Lisa C. Ikemoto
    • "Nearly Allied to Her Right to Be"—Medicaid Funding for Abortion: The Story of Harris v. McRae, by Rhonda Copelon and Sylvia A. Law
    • Pregnant and Working: The Story of California Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n v. Guerra, by Stephanie M. Wildman
    • "What Not to Wear"—The Story of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, by Tanya Katerí Hernández
    •  Of Glass Ceilings, Sex Stereotypes, and Mixed Motives: The Story of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, by Martha Chamallas
    • Six Cases in Search of a Decision: The Story of In re Marriage Cases, by Patricia A. Cain and Jean C. Love
    • State—Enabled Violence: The Story of Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, by Zanita E. Fenton
    • The Entry of Women into Wall Street Law Firms: The Story of Blank v. Sullivan & Cromwell, by Cynthia Grant Bowman
    • A Tribal Court Domestic Violence Case: The Story of an Unknown Victim, an Unreported Decision, and an All Too Common Injustice, by Stacy L. Leeds

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