
Monday, March 10, 2014

Activist History, Digitized

Activism has shaped American law and the law has shaped activism (sometimes through arrests and trials). Below are a selection of digital archives about various movements. Take a break from text-heavy law books: look at some pictures!

Antiwar and Radical History Project—Pacific Northwest, University of Washington (funding by Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies)
Antiwar and Radical History Project screen snip

A Ballot for the Ladies: Washington Women's Struggle for the Vote, 1850-1910, UW Libraries Special Collections
The Suffragette Bar postcard,
from A Ballot for the Ladies
(Caption: "Nothing but Ice Cream and
Pretzels. Oh! Joy!")

Seattle Strikes! Labor and Labor History in Puget Sound, UW Libraries, with the Center for Labor Studies, the Henry Art Gallery
Strike Bulletin headline, from Seattle Strikes!

Famous Trials, by Douglas O. Linder, includes many trials with political aspects, including Sacco and Vanzetti, Haymarket, Chicago 7, Leonard Peltier, Pentagon Papers, Ruby Ridge, Mississippi Burning, Oklahoma City Bombing, Bill Haywood, Rosenbergs, . . .
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
from Famous Trials
American Radicalism, Michigan State University Libraries
Cover of The Centralia Conspiracy,
from I.W.W. collection in American

Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Library
"Stop Executions" pin, from
Pinback Buttons, Labadie Collection
Haymarket Affair Digital Collection, Chicago Historical Society
Photograph of globe bomb, People's Exhibit 130A
in Haymarket trial, from Haymarket Affair Digital Collection

The Dramas of Haymarket, Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern University
Capt. William Perkins Black, one of the
defense lawyers in the Haymarket trial,
from The Dramas of Haymarket

Raising Rebels, An Exhibition of Radical Children's Literature, Syracuse University Library Special Collections
Fairy Tales for Workers Children,
from Raising Rebels

Brown-Tougaloo Exchange, Brown University Library
Student Nonviolent Coordinating CommitteeFreedom Songbook, from Brown-Tougaloo Exchange

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