
Monday, March 24, 2014

King Lear in Law School

Have you heard about the King Lear productions in Prof. Karen Boxx's Transmission of Wealth class?

They're fun, but they also teach some important lessons about estate planning and help students develop some valuable lawyering skills. See Karen E. Boxx, Shakespeare in the Classroom: How an Annual Student Production of King Lear Adds Dimension to Teaching Trusts and Estates, 58 St. Louis U. L.J. 751 (2014).

Prof. Karen E. Boxx William Shakespeare.
Image taken from: Abraham Wivell,
An Inquiry into the History, Authenticity,
and Characteristics of the Shakespeare
Portraits, etc. (A supplement.)
" (1827).
Available via the British Library's Flickr
.See this post.

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