
Friday, March 7, 2014

New Google Maps Gallery!

From the Google Maps Blog:
If you’ve ever wondered which trails Lewis & Clark traveled for their famous expedition, or looked for maps of the best schools in your region, you may have found yourself scouring the web without much luck. The best results for your search may come from governments, nonprofits and businesses, but historically that information has been hard to find or inaccessible to the public. Well, now, with the new Google Maps Gallery, it’s easier for you to find maps like those all in one place.

I poked around a little and found a map from the World Bank that shows the percentage of internet users across the world, a topic that is often of interest to the legal community.  I also noticed that you can explore by topic to find things like historical and environmental maps.  Give it a try!
(Hat tip to beSpacific)

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