
Monday, June 2, 2014

Use Strikingly to Enhance Your Job Search

Have you heard of Strikingly?  Check out this post from the NW Sidebar (the WSBA's Blog) about using it to enhance your job search.

I'm not familiar with Strikingly, so I took a quick look at their website and found this in the FAQs:


About Strikingly

Strikingly brings beautiful mobile websites to everyone.

What's so special about a Strikingly site? Simplicity, clarity, and accessibility. The mobile age is upon us, and having a mobile-optimized website is more important than ever. Don't lose your visitors under the weight of a heavy, confusing website. The same goes for editing: don't stress out about micromanaging your page, and don't waste time wondering where to change something. Edit it all on one page, and get it done fast.
Do you think that having your own website helps with a job search?  Leave a comment below.

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