
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mary Whisner Receives Mersky Spirit of Law Librarianship Award

Mary Whisner (one of the reference librarians here at Gallagher Law Library) has received the Roy M. Mersky Spirit of Law Librarianship Award for her work with the Youth Tutoring Program sponsored by Catholic Community Services of Western Washington.

 From the nominating letter:
Since 2004 [Mary] has tutored youth on a weekly basis offering academic support and serving as a role model and friend to the students. The program targets six low and middle income housing communities in Seattle. Thus, most of Mary’s work has been with immigrants from eastern Africa and Southeast Asia. Mary’s commitment to this program and her volunteer work make a difference in many kids’ lives. 
Please join us in congratulating Mary for receiving this well-deserved honor!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Mary for this vital work!
