
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Strawberry-Flavored IP

Did you know that more than half of the strawberries in the supermarket trace their roots to strains patented and licensed by UC Davis? It's in the news because a couple of researchers are leaving the university and strawberry growers want assurance that the breeding program will continue there. Breeding Battle Threatens Key Source Of California Strawberries, All Things Considered (NPR), July 1, 2014.

Here are two illustrations that accompanied the patent application for Strawberry Plant Named 'Mojave', one of UC Davis's patented cultivars.

black and white photo of leafy plants
Fig. 1 from PP 22,589

black and white photo of strawberries next to ruler
Fig. 4 from PP 22,589

When you're having a nice dish of strawberry shortcake at your Fourth of July picnic on Friday, give a quick thought to tech transfer, patents, licensing, and agribusiness. And then get back to enjoying your dessert.

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