
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tips for Wrapping up Your Summer Job or Externship

A career consultant suggests 3 things to do before you wrap up your summer job (Nat'l Jurist, July 20, 2015):

  1. Introduce yourself to key players you haven't met.
  2. Wrap up all your projects.
  3. Ask for references.
Let me add a few:
  • Reflect and write some notes about what you did
    • What did you like and not like? How will that affect the next job you seek?
    • What did you learn about yourself? about the practice of law? 
    • What will you put on your resume(s)? (Remember, you can have two or more resumes, tailored to different jobs you might apply for.)
  • Think about writing samples. Ask your supervisors whether you can use any of your memos, motions, or other documents as writing samples. What identifying information about clients should be redacted? Make a portfolio of your work.
  • Ask for advice. The attorneys you've worked for have gotten to know you. What would they recommend you do to help you move toward your long-term goals?

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