
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Govinfo Beta Website

The U.S. Government Publishing Office released the beta website of govinfo on February 3, which is available here: Govinfo will eventually replace the Federal Digital System (FDsys), which provides free online access to official federal government publications from all three branches of government.

Govinfo contains all of the content available on FDsys, such as the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, and the Federal Register, but has a more modern look to it and was designed to improve usability.

Homepage of
Advanced Search page on

GPO is the official publisher and distributor of federal government information. GPO assures that the electronic documents on govinfo are official and authentic by applying a visible digital signature on online PDF documents.

Some of the new features on this website include the ability to browse documents from A to Z or by category and a Related Documents feature.

Browse A to Z feature
Related Documents feature

Govinfo is designed for optimized display on mobile devices, so you can easily access government documents on your phone, tablet, or other device:

Govinfo's display on an iPhone 6

As you explore the beta website next time you conduct research involving government documents, the GPO welcomes any and all feedback through its online survey.

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